@extends('admin.layouts.app') @section('content')
Profile Preview

{{ $userInfo->name }}

Mob: {{ $userInfo->mobile }}

Email: {{ $userInfo->email }}

Membership Type:

Member Image not found
Personal Information
Download Profile

Father's Name :

{{ $userInfo->father_name }}

Permanent Address :

{{ $userInfo->perm_addr_line1 }}, {{ $userInfo->perm_addr_line2}}

Mother's Name :

{{ $userInfo->mother_name }}

Blood :

{{ $userInfo->blood_group }}

Date of Birth :


Gender :

{{ $userInfo->gender }}

Academic Career
@foreach( $eduInfos as $data ) @endforeach

Degree Board/University Year of Passing Score/Class
{{ $data->getDegree->title }} {{ $data->getBoard->title }} {{ $data->passing_year }} {{ $data->score_result }}
Training Information
@foreach( $trainingInfos as $data ) @endforeach

Training Institute with Country Training Title Name of Topic/Course Duration (Week) Training Year
{{ $data->institute_country }} {{ $data->title }} {{ $data->training_area }} {{ $data->duration }} {{ $data->training_year }}
Professional Experience
@foreach( $professionalInfos as $data ) @endforeach

Name of the Organization Designation From Date To Date
{{ $data->org_name }} {{ $data->designation }} {{ $data->start_date }} {{ $data->end_date }}